Vaccine Issues, Strategic Detoxification
and Vaccine Injury Rehabilitation


Vaccine Autism Link

This section is dedicated to the victims of the vaccine crimes listed below. We can not entrust our health and our lives to companies who knowingly infect the population with diseases, hormones, chemicals and metals in order to sterilize, weaken and kill those who receive the vaccine. (Vaccines Kill, Tainted Vaccines)

Dr. Anju Usman Speaks on Vaccines Causing Autism
Dr. Usman is a recognized authority in the treatment and management of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) a.k.a. "The Spectrum"



Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: 'Deadly Immunity' Article
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Talks about his article 'Deadly Immunity' which deals with the vaccine induced autism link. He reports on the 'Simpsonwood Transcripts' which are the transcripts of a secret meeting attended by all the top health officials from the CDC, FDA, the WHO and all major Pharma companies. In the transcripts they discuss how to whitewash or cover up the fact that Mercury in the vaccines is causing Autism.


Deadly Immunity Article in Rolling Stone magazine 

The Simpsonwood Transcript 

Tobacco Science and the Thimerosal Scandal
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

The Dangers of Vaccines
Clip 1 of 2 below


Clip 2 of 2 below

Vaccines & Autism Presentation 
Great presentation on the link between vaccines and autism.